I always like it when artists post sketches along with their finished art, so thought I'd do the same.
Does anybody else feel as if their sketching style changes frequently? I find mine does depending on what paper I'm using, and whether I'm drawing in pen or pencil. Mood and energy probably affect it as well. Just curious.
Here's #1 in this series.
i like where this one is going...kind of spooky! i also like that it's the total opposite direction of your last series. the flying pig one was light and whimsical, this one is the total opposite. this is for your portfolio right? very nice to have variety.
I love this. Wonderful sketch and the edging of the illustration is really interesting and ties in nicely with the composition. thanks for sharing!
Christine-- Thanks! And yes, for the portfolio. Trying to get a variety of moods...
Lisa-- Thanks, too! :-)
I like the rough sketches along with the piece as well. Can't wait for 3 and 4. Love the series ones.
I feel my sketching and painting style follow my mood quite a bit.
Hi -
I really like the patterns of your linework and the angles in this.
I tend to find my sketching style changes with mood - I can get bored doing working in the same way over and over. Although, I am starting to pay attention to paper surfaces more. I redid a drawing from my sketchbook (smooth surface) on a paper that had a medium texture. It was a nice surprise to see the cloak worn by the character take on a heavy, woolen feel because of the texture.
Thanks, Frank! It's funny how moods can affect your sketching style. Interesting was to explore, too.
Hi Diane-- Thanks for your comment! And yes, about the paper surfaces-- I have the same thing happen-- I use a smooth sketchbook but prefer paper with some tooth for the finishes.
Love the tree Jenniffer!!! So beautiful. And is great to see your sketch too. You are right there is something fascinating about sketches specially other artists' ones.
Thank you, Alicia! :-)
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