Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday B & W: The Old Apple Tree

Sometimes the kids from here, here, and here like to take a break and hang out on the old apple tree.

The tree is an odd shape, I know. It's just like the one that was in my backyard when I was growing up. My parents paid us neighborhood kids 5¢ an apple to pick up all the rotten ones. Not a bad deal, for the time!

I didn't want to start a new series this week, as I'll be taking a 2 week blogging break after Friday.


Alicia Padrón said...

Beautiful Jen!! I love the tree!
How great the story about your dad :o)

Bee said...

What a super blog, great illustrations you have a very appealing style :)

Lisa M Griffin said...

This brings back wonderful childhood memories! Sometimes, it is hard to imagine such a relaxed time in this crazy busy world we live in. THanks for sharing.

Jennifer Thermes said...

Thanks, Alicia! Yes, that tree was a great one for using the imagination.

And thanks so much for your kind comment, Bee. Glad you stopped by!

I know what you mean, Lisa. Ahh, to be a kid again! At least we have our imaginations, no? :-)

Unknown said...

wonderful work Jen!!! I love the tree and all the details...great work!!!

Kathleen Rietz said...

I love this one...the shape and size of the tree brings back memories of the neighborhood I grew up childhood home would be around 100 yrs old now. I love those old neighborhoods.

Have a happy break and enjoy summer.

Jennifer Thermes said...

Thanks, Diana!

And thanks, Kate! I know what you mean about those old neighborhoods. Ours was a cul-de-sac with tons of kids... a really wonderful place to grow up.