Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Black and White and Shades of Gray

Ahh, would that life were as easy as black and white. But alas, there are many shades of gray. Though for sure that makes it more interesting...

Just playing around here with more new samples... feel free to ignore my silly musings!


Anonymous said...

Very nice! I'm enjoying all the black and white work you're sharing. And refreshing to see a girl on a skateboard too!!!

RyanLoghry said...

Very cool, I like the combination of line work and washes.

Jennifer Thermes said...

Thanks, Gina! I just realized she's not wearing a helmet. Oh well, we never did as kids (thus the stitches and scar under my eyebrow... ;-)

Thanks, Ryan!

Paola Zakimi said...

I really love black and white, sometimes more than color.

Alicia Padrón said...

Well I refuse to ignore your "silly musings.." he, he.. this is great. I love the washes and the shading.. oh and her flip flops too! :o)

Jennifer Thermes said...

Hi Paola-- Me too. It can be so much more dramatic sometimes.

Well thanks, Alicia! You know how it is... working on your own... you start thinking about all sorts of stuff! :-)

We're FINALLY into flip flop season here... doing a happy dance!

Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

i like this, but i'm a big fan of skateboards, never mind that she's not wearing safety gear, we never did as kids and we turned out ok!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Heck yeah, Christine! :-)