Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Fun: 1000 Journals

Has anybody heard of this? I'd really like to see the movie but Netflix doesn't have it yet. Why do so many people grow up and out of art?


Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

i would love to be a part of something like that. i've never heard of this one, but very cool....i'd be curious to see it too...if it shows up on netflix let me know (love netflix!). isn't karen at ARTSORTMENTS blog participating in something like this?

Jennifer Thermes said...

Me too-- the trailer looks intriguing. I'll have to check out that blog.

Yes, netflix is great! I have something like over 200 movies in my queue. Find I try films I never would have otherwise.

Alicia Padrón said...

This is wonderful Jennifer!! I never heard of this. I'll try and do research and I'll let you know if I find more about it.

His question is so interesting Why is that?

I have a theory, at least it applies to me. Everybody knows that kids share a special sensibility that adults lack of. We all remember what it was like and felt like to be a kid. I think the reason as to why some people do still keep creative, artistic and still love to draw or create, like us, is because in some way.. we refuse to grow up.

At least that is my case. I'm 40 years old and I think that is the funniest and most ironic thing that ever happened in my life.. because I truly don't feel that age at all. Not now and I think not ever.

If we think about it, when we ask the average adult to do a free drawing, they perhaps would draw a house, with chimney and smoke coming out of it.. not much different that what an 8 year old's drawing would look like. That's because it is the exact moment where they left that kid stage behind and somehow they turned the page into the adult world and became people living in "traffic"like he said. That painting is proof of that.

We.. just kept on growing into the kid phase. It is the best way to keep in touch with our sensibilities and emotions required in our art... don't you think?

lil kim said...

yes this looks very intriguing! would love to hear if any of you find more info on it.

I once went to hear illustrator Anthony Browne speak and he said the only difference between him and anyone else is that he continued drawing into adulthood, whereas most people stop when quite young. it's just practice, he said. (yeah, easy for him to say!)

it is funny that we were all artists, musicians, dancers, when we were young, and somehow along the way it is beaten out of us or we are convinced that because it doesn't make you squillions of dollars that is is not a viable career. Maybe as you say Alicia we refuse to grow up so those things are less important to us...?

anyway, whatever the reason, I'm glad for what I am and that I get to share in so many talented people's creativity!

thanks for the post!

Unknown said...

Surprisingly moving! This is something I've come against directly, when teaching grade 5's and 6's there is such enthusiasm and bravery when the kids have a pencil and a piece of paper but the high school students I usually teach are so apathetic and scared of not being what others expect them to be. I don't blame them in a way, high school was rough for me and other creative types.
I found what Kim said about anthony Brown really interesting. That's sort of how I feel, I just kept on drawing.

Candace Trew Camling said...

this looks so awesome..I will be on the lookout for this!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Awesome comments, you guys! So many good points. You've gotten me to thinking more...

I'm sure some of it is being encouraged (or at least, not discouraged!) by family and friends when you're young.

I remember an acquaintance telling me her 10 year old son loved playing the guitar, and wanted to be a musician when he grew up. She told him-- no way-- you can't earn a living at that, blah, blah, blah... I mean, why would you discourage a kid so young?? He might grow out of it... or he might find a way to make it work for him...

Just one example of how society beats it out of you... such a focus on money being the proof of success... you maybe have to rebel against that mindset or just not care. (Me!).

Also, I've noticed that many of my kid's art classes in school are more focused on crafty projects rather than learning how to see and draw... not that there's anything wrong with crafts if they inspire... but I think drawing is a skill that can be taught and isn't, enough. Which is why so many adults say they can't draw!

Lil Kim-- I love that Anthony Browne quote!

And Alicia-- here's to not growing up! (I know exactly what you mean... I'm 42, but I think I embarrass my kids sometimes 'cause mentally I feel the same age as them...)

Eric-- Yes, I think once kids get self-conscious about fitting in it's hard to pursue a different path... it is rough.

Candace-- If you find it, let us know!

Whew... haven't typed this much in a while! Thanks, everyone!

Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

jennifer, everyone's comments have all been so interesting...i lead an art therapy group at an eating disorder clinic working with m/f 14-50 yrs....and there are definitely differences in creative freedom...the younger one's are more apt to jump in with no instruction other than a general idea of what we are doing. the older the patient the more likely they are to say they 'aren't creative''s very difficult for some of them, they really have it in their minds that they can't do's very difficult sometimes to get them out of their heads, i do a lot of exercises with them to help, like drawing self portraits with our eyes closed, then turning them into abstract picasso like paintings....i am beginning a group with younger children 8-12 this fall and i am interested to see the createive freedoms and differences between the group.

Jennifer Thermes said...

Christine-- Interesting how the adults say the aren't creative-- I think sometimes adults have a narrow definition of what creativity is. Say for example, someone who can look at at a broken piece of machinery and figure out how to repair it... to me, that's really creative! The word doesn't just apply to the arts.

Your workshops sound fascinating-- I'd love to hear about the one this fall.