Thursday, August 7, 2008

Daily Exercise, Fear, and Dr. Seuss

Don't worry, I'm not suffering any post-bat trauma or anything-- just having fun drawing them!

This was for my daily exercise, though it did take longer than 15 minutes. (I think the point is to draw or write for at least that time, right?)

I was thinking about one of my favorite Dr. Seuss stories while drawing this, called What Was I Scared Of?, from this book. It's about a child who's afraid of "a pair of pale green pants with nobody inside!" They meet under different circumstances and the child is terrified until he realizes "That I was just as strange to them as they were strange to me!" After that they are friends.

From The Sneetches and Other Stories, by Dr. Seuss

I sometimes wonder if Dr. Seuss wrote his stories more for adults than for kids. (Check out The Sneetches to see what I mean...)


Frank Gardner said...

That is my favorite Doctor Seuss story too.

Glad to see you were inspired by the bats.

Kelly Light said...

Holy Guano Batman! - I read thru the batty tale- glad you're ok- sorry for the little bat. - My daughter loves bats - thinks they're adorable. I love the sketches!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Thanks, Frank. It's not as well known as some of his other stories, but it used to scare the pants off me when I was a kid, haha!

And thanks, Kelly! I'm glad to hear your daughter loves bats. So many people in the ER reacted with disgust. I was surprised, but then again, I'm used to mice, and these are really like mice with wings. Interesting creatures!

Gina Perry said...

Awesome sketch - great action from the bat. I can't believe you've had multiple run-ins with bats! Glad you've made it through unscathed.

Jennifer Thermes said...

Thanks Gina! Funny, the people in the ER said the same thing. Guess they like us! ;-)