Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday Map: New York to Newport

For the last few years we've made it a tradition to trek in to New York City on the day after Thanksgiving (along with about a million other people.) Not to shop, but to walk around and sightsee and have lunch (and bargain with the street vendors over scarves-- such deals!) This year a few more family members joined us. We had a blast.


Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

oh that sounds like a lot of funny. i wish i could get my husband to do something like that. he hates cities. wonderful blue-y nyc map!

Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

i meant 'fun', a lot of 'fun'....mondays...

Jennifer Thermes said...

I think I like a lot of funny better!! :-)

Frank Gardner said...

I like having a lot of funny too.

I don't go for the big cities either ( high five Chad), but I'd do it for Christmas time in NYC. My grandparents used to take me to FAO Schwartz to see the toys.

Rockafella Plaza.

Nice map as always. Did you pick whih things to highlight or was it the client?

Jennifer Thermes said...

Thanks, Frank! Nah... the client usually tells me what they want labeled.

We did FAO Schwartz a few years ago... must have walked about a million blocks. Not sure if I could live in the city, but sure is fun to visit. No one is weird there! Everyone fits in! ;-)

I thought you'd like having funny, too. (You've started something new, Christine!)

Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

ok you'd think i didn't win the 4th grade spelling bee or something? LOL hmmmm......

chad in the city would not be 'funny' he can hang out with frank and jennifer and i can go site-seeing...

Jennifer Thermes said...

Um... Chad hanging in the city?? Now THAT's funny! (Sorry. I know the elections are over and all...)


Frank Gardner said...

Hanging chad. oh yeah. Hey we should start a comedy blog in our free time.

Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

as hysterically funny as i'd like to say all these 'jokes' are, i think it's best we all stick to our art careers... i'm chuckling though

Jennifer Thermes said...

Yeah-- comedy might be the only career that has more rejection than art! ;-D