Tuesday, April 28, 2009

May 11th - Haiku Festival

I haven't tried my hand at haiku since Mrs. Atkinson's 7th grade English class.

So when Elizabeth mentioned that she and a friend were planning a blogoshphere Haiku Festival I thought it would be fun to join in. (Remember the "Door" themed day from last year? Turned out to be a great way to meet new bloggers and travel the world vicariously.) So save the date- May 11th- and drop Elizabeth a comment if you'd like to be added to a list of participants.

Here and here are a few sites that explain how to write haiku, if, like me, you need a little refresher course. Let's make Mrs. Atkinson proud!


Elizabeth said...

You are so very kind.
I think it'll be fun - or is it just left over English teacher sort of fun?
The thing that's good about them is they're short and, we hope, sweet.
I was on LI yesterday and envy anyone with a big yard about now.

SusanLW said...

I had a dream last night (seriously), I had to write a limerick. (Oh, and they couldn't be the "dirty" kind.) I was freaking out because I couldn't find David. He can do them so easily.

Wonder what a dream interpreter would make of that?

Jennifer Thermes said...

It will be fun, Elizabeth! I'm so glad you took the initiative. Tried my hand at a few yesterday and they are addictive.

You're welcome to enjoy my yard any time. Garden tools will be supplied. ;-)

Jennifer Thermes said...

Sue-- Maybe David is your poetry-enabler? (Or would it be the other way around??) Either way, you can get help for that. ;-D

Elizabeth said...

Now I'm feeling guilty that I haven't written mine yet!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Elizabeth- I haven't had much time to write this week so have been slipping them in the cracks... now thinking in haikus rather than tweets, haha!