We had another bat in the house this morning. (Just when you had asked, Elizabeth! Go figure.) I was enjoying my coffee and a book this morning at 5:30 am when all of the sudden this little guy came swooping in from the screened-in porch and flew around the downstairs. I screamed. (I really never scream about anything but there's something about swooping bats that gets to me.) (Okay, well, I think it's the wingspan, even though he looks so tiny in the picture.) He finally came to rest in the corner of a living room beam, where the hubby trapped him in a container. So, another call to animal control today to send him off and have him tested.
Holy infestation, Batman! I think we may have an issue.
That is too funny! Wonder if he chased a bug in to your house. We have bats around here we see at night, but they never come really low.
And about the scanner, I have an EPSON Perfection 4490. It is a slide scanner as well. However, I don't use it for that hardly anymore. It has served me well so far.
how cool is that!!! you will have to invite him back for Hallowe'en!
Tom-- yeah, we have them too, but this is the first year that two have come inside! The animal control people were not very happy...
Diana-- Ha! I've had enough scariness already! :-)
funny but not funny! no one should have to deal with bats at 5:30 am, what in the world were you doing up that early???
Drinking coffee, haha! Seriously, my kid's bus comes at 6:30, so I like to get up earlier in order to get lunch and stuff organized. It's usually so peaceful that time of day!
Hah, funny. You are now officially "The Bat Lady".
I have an Epson too and like it. I always wondered how to clean under the glass, but since I dont need it for presenting artwork, I put off going much past that wondering stage. Must be the daydreamer in me.
Frank-- Sheesh, I guess so! Not the kind of notoriety I was looking for...
And, yeah-- I'm definitely daydreaming about a new scanner... dreaming about the mucho dinero I'd need... ;-)
Ooooh that's exciting!! We have bats flying around the house sometimes and it's the most exciting wildlife we ever get... but in the house, that WOULD be odd...
I got an Epson Perfection 4490 as well, by the way. Bought it on recommendation of illustrator colleagues. I guess there are better new models around - but on the other hand, this one is lovely and probably cheap now!
Viviane-- Yes, odd, especially when you're only half awake!
Thanks for the scanner recommendation. I'm definitely leaning toward an Epson... we'll see how long I can stand to wait...
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