Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Map: Seattle to Whistler


Alicia Padrón said...

This is lovely Jen! Ahh look at Vancouver. I visited vancouver with my hubby several years ago and instantly feel in love with it! Beautiful place. :o)

Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

i think this is the most blue map i have ever seen you do. i really like the 'faux monotone' feel of it.i've always wanted to go up in the space needle!!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Alicia-- I'd love to go there someday! It sounds beautiful.

And thanks, Christine, I guess it is pretty blue! Hey-- I like your fall-themed avatar! :-)

Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

hey thanks...i'm obsessed with painting gourds right now! i like the new look of your blog too!

Jennifer Thermes said...

I love gourd-season. Must try growing some next year...

Sylvia Jenstad said...

I agree this is cool... I also love Friends and Awareness... really cool

Jennifer Thermes said...

Thanks, Sylvia! I really appreciate you stopping by! :-)