Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Fun: Silly Musical Interlude

I don't know about you, but I could use a little silliness lately. Also, I like chickens. Must draw some more...


Alicia Padrón said...

Hee hee super cute!! Oh... Jannie (chickengirl) is going to love this.

I always enjoy your movies Jen :o)

Jennifer Thermes said...

Gracias, amiga! Just feeling silly today-- must be Friday. ;-)

Tom Barrett said...

Thanks, Jen. Needed a laugh today too! Not a happy day!

Barbara O'Connor said...

Then you must read STILL LIFE WITH CHICKENS by Catherine Goldhammer.

Jennifer Thermes said...

Hi Tom-- Sorry to hear that-- hope this week is a better one!

Thanks for the recommendation, Barbara! I've just requested it from the library. :-)

Maria said...

Haha, thank you, the good old muppets singing the "Donauwalzer". What fun!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Maria! :-)

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

LOL!!! Oh why didn't I see this earlier?!?! This is so funny!! I love it!!!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Hi Jannie-- I take it you like chickens, too! Glad you enjoyed it. :-)