Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Fun: Rolling Hamsters Eating Popcorn on Pianos. Or Whatever.

Yesterday Barbara mentioned the spinning wheel that hamsters love (especially in the middle of the night.) We also bought one of these ball-thingys. Drives the cats crazy.

And Julie reminded me of this video... which my daughter has made me watch about a million times... just when I finally got the song out of my head... uh... thanks... Julie...


Alicia Padrón said...

Hee.. hee............ the second video is too much Jen!! Lol! So cute I don't think I can take it! :o)

Jennifer Thermes said...

Haha, it is! But just TRY to stop singing that song!!!!!! =:-D

Julie said...

You are so welcome! Happy Festivus, Jennifer!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Hahahaha! You too, my friend! ;-D

hmstrjam said...

i love this! saw it on you tube!!

Jennifer Thermes said...

Hi Hmstrjam-- Glad you like it (and the yule log, too.) Thanks for stopping by!

So, I'm thinking "Hamster Jam" when I see your blog name... how funny! :-)